بۆ ناوەڕۆک بازبدە

مۆدیوول:Lang/data/iana languages/make

لە ئینسایکڵۆپیدیای ئازادی ویکیپیدیاوە
بەڵگەدارکردنی مۆدیوول[دروست بکە]
require('Module:No globals');
local p = {};

--[=[------------------------< G E T _ V A R I A N T _ P A R T S >---------------------------------------------

We get a record that looks more-or-less like this:
	Type: variant\n
	Subtag: bohoric\n
	Description: Slovene in Bohorič alphabet\n
	Added: 2012-06-27\n
	Prefix: sl\n

Each line is terminated with a \n character.

Type, for this function can only be 'variant'

Subtag is the code of Type

Prefix is a language code to which this variant applies; one language code per Prefix line.  There can be
more than one prefix line.

Description associates Subtag with a proper name or names; one name per Description line.  There can be more
than one Description line and Description lines can wrap to the next line.  When they do, the first two
characters of the continuation line are spaces.

Comments: lines can also be continued so once in a Comments line (which is otherwise ignored) all further
continuations in the record are also ignored.  This is a crude mechanism to prevent comment continuations
from being concatenated onto the end of descriptions and relies on Description line occuring in the record
before the Comments line.

Records with Deprecated dates or Preferred-Value codes are ignored as are private use codes.


local function get_variant_parts (record)
	local code;
	local descriptions = {};
	local prefixes = {};
	local in_comments = false;

	if string.find (record, 'Deprecated', 1, true) or string.find (record, 'Preferred-Value', 1, true)
			or string.find (record, 'Private use', 1, true) then
		return 'skip';

	for line in string.gmatch (record, '([^\n]+)\n') do						-- get a \n terminated line of text (without the \n)
		local before_colon = string.match(line, "(.-):")
		if not before_colon and string.find (line, '^  .+') and not in_comments then		-- if a continuation line but not a comments continuation
			descriptions[#descriptions] = string.gsub (descriptions[#descriptions], '\"$', '');		-- remove trailing quote mark from previous description
			descriptions[#descriptions] = descriptions[#descriptions] .. ' ' .. string.match (line, '^  (.+)') .. '\"';	-- extract and save the continuation with new quote mark
		elseif before_colon == 'Subtag' then						-- if this line is the subtag line
			code = string.match (line, 'Subtag: (%w+)');				-- extract and save to subtag's code
		elseif before_colon == 'Description' then					-- if this line is a description line
			local desc = string.match (line, 'Description: (.+)');			-- extract the description
			desc = string.gsub (desc, '"', '\\"');							-- in case description contains quote marks (see 1959acad)
			table.insert (descriptions, '\"' .. desc .. '\"');					-- save the description wrapped in quote marks
		elseif before_colon == 'Prefix' then						-- if this line is a prefix line
			table.insert (prefixes, '\"' .. string.match (line, 'Prefix: (.+)'):lower() .. '\"');	-- extract and save the prefix wrapped in quote marks
		elseif before_colon == 'Comments' then						-- if this line is a comments line
			in_comments = true;
	return code, table.concat (prefixes, ', '), table.concat (descriptions, ', ');

--[=[------------------------< G E T _ L A N G _ S C R I P T _ R E G I O N _ P A R T S >-----------------------

We get a record that looks more-or-less like this:
	Type: language\n
	Subtag: aa\n
	Description: Afar\n
	Added: 2005-10-16\n

Each line is terminated with a \n character.

Type, for our purposes can be 'language', 'script', or 'region'

Subtag is the code of Type

Description associates Subtag with a proper name or names; one name per Description line.  There can be more
than one Description line and Description lines can wrap to the next line.  When they do, the first two
characters of the continuation line are spaces.

Comments: lines can also be continued so once in a Comments line (which is otherwise ignored) all further
continuations in the record are also ignored.  This is a crude mechanism to prevent comment continuations
from being concatenated onto the end of descriptions and relies on Description line occuring in the record
before the Comments line.

Records with Deprecated dates or Preferred-Value codes are ignored as are private use codes.


local function get_lang_script_region_parts (record)
	local code;
	local suppress;																-- Suppress script for this code if specified
	local descriptions = {};
	local in_comments = false;

	if string.find (record, 'Deprecated') or string.find (record, 'Preferred%-Value') or string.find (record, 'Private use') then
		return 'skip';

	for line in string.gmatch (record, '([^\n]+)\n') do							-- get a \n terminated line of text (without the \n)
		local before_colon = string.match(line, "(.-):")
		if before_colon == 'Subtag' then							-- if this line is the subtag line
			code = string.match (line, 'Subtag: (%w+)');					-- extract and save to subtag's code
		elseif before_colon == 'Description' then						-- if this line is a description line
			table.insert (descriptions, '\"' .. string.match (line, 'Description: (.+)') .. '\"');	-- extract and save the name wrapped in quote marks
		elseif before_colon == 'Suppress-Script' then
			suppress = string.match (line, 'Suppress%-Script: (%S+)');
		elseif before_colon == 'Comments' then							-- if this line is a comments line
			in_comments = true;
		elseif string.find (line, '^  .+') and not in_comments then				-- if a continuation line but not a commnets continuation
			descriptions[#descriptions] = string.gsub (descriptions[#descriptions], '\"$', '');		-- remove trailing quote mark from previous description
			descriptions[#descriptions] = descriptions[#descriptions] .. ' ' .. string.match (line, '^  (.+)') .. '\"';	-- extract and save the continuation with new quote mark
	return code, table.concat (descriptions, ', '), suppress;

--[=[------------------------< I A N A _ E X T R A C T >-------------------------------------------------------

read a local copy of the IANA language-subtag-registry file and from it build tables to replace the tables in:
	[[Module:Language/data/iana languages]]
	[[Module:Language/data/iana scripts]
	[[Module:Language/data/iana regions]]

current language-subtag-registry file can be found at: http://www.iana.org/assignments/language-subtag-registry
archive.org has copies of previous versions see: https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.iana.org/assignments/language-subtag-registry


function p.iana_extract (frame)
	local page = mw.title.getCurrentTitle();									-- get a page object for this page
	local content = page:getContent();											-- get unparsed content
	local lang_table = {};														-- languages go here
	local script_table = {};													-- scripts go here
	local region_table = {};													-- regions go here
	local variant_table = {};													-- variants go here
	local suppress_table = {};													-- here we collect suppressed scripts and associated language codes
	local file_date;															-- first line

	local code;
	local descriptions;
	local prefixes;																-- used for language variants only
	local suppress;																-- a code's suppress script

	file_date = content:match ('(File%-Date: %d%d%d%d%-%d%d%-%d%d)');			-- get the file date line from this version of the source file

	for record in string.gmatch (content, '%%%%([^%%]+)') do				-- get a %% delimited 'record' from the file; leave off the delimiters
		local record_type = string.match(record, 'Type: (%w+)')
		if record_type == 'language' then						-- if a language record
			code, descriptions, suppress = get_lang_script_region_parts (record);			-- get the code, description(s), and suppress script
			if code and ('skip' ~= code) then														
				table.insert (lang_table, "[\"" .. code .. "\"] = {" .. descriptions .. "}");	-- make table entries
			elseif not code then
				table.insert (lang_table, "[\"error\"] = {" .. record .. "}");	-- code should never be nil, but inserting an error entry in the final output can be helpful
																				-- here we collect suppress stript tags and their associated language codes;
																				-- prettigying the data in this table must wait until all language codes have been read
			if suppress then													-- if this code has a suppressed script
				local suppressed_code = table.concat ({'\"', code, '\"'});		-- wrap the code in quotes
				if suppress_table[suppress] then								-- if there is an entry for this script
					table.insert (suppress_table[suppress], suppressed_code);	-- insert the new code
					suppress_table[suppress] = {};								-- add new script and empty table
					table.insert (suppress_table[suppress], suppressed_code);	-- insert the new code

		elseif record_type == 'script' then					-- if a script record
			code, descriptions = get_lang_script_region_parts (record);			-- get the code and description(s)
			if code and ('skip' ~= code) then														
				table.insert (script_table, "[\"" .. code .. "\"] = {" .. descriptions .. "}");	-- make table entries
			elseif not code then
				table.insert (script_table, "[\"error\"] = {" .. record .. "}");	-- code should never be nil, but ...

		elseif record_type == 'region' then					-- if a region record
			code, descriptions = get_lang_script_region_parts (record);			-- get the code and description(s)
			if code and ('skip' ~= code) then														
				table.insert (region_table, "[\"" .. code .. "\"] = {" .. descriptions .. "}");	-- make table entries
			elseif not code then
				table.insert (region_table, "[\"error\"] = {" .. record .. "}");	-- code should never be nil, but ...

		elseif record_type == 'variant' then					-- if a variant record
			code, prefixes, descriptions = get_variant_parts (record);			-- get the code, prefix(es), and description(s)

			if code and ('skip' ~= code) then														
				table.insert (variant_table,
					table.concat ({
						"\"] = {<br />&#9;&#9;[\"descriptions\"] = {",
						"},<br />&#9;&#9;[\"prefixes\"] = {",
						"},<br />&#9;&#9;}"
			elseif not code then
				table.insert (variant_table, "[\"error\"] = {" .. record .. "}");	-- code should never be nil, but ...
																				-- now prettify the supressed script table
	local pretty_suppressed = {};
	for script, code_tbl in pairs (suppress_table) do
		table.insert (pretty_suppressed,
			table.concat ({'[\"', script, '\"] = {', table.concat (code_tbl, ', '), '}'})
	table.sort (pretty_suppressed);

																				-- make pretty output
	return "<br /><pre>-- " .. file_date .. "<br />return {<br />&#9;" .. table.concat (lang_table, ',<br />&#9;') .. "<br />&#9;}<br />-- " .. 
			file_date .. "<br />return {<br />&#9;" .. table.concat (script_table, ',<br />&#9;') .. "<br />&#9;}<br />-- " ..
			file_date .. "<br />return {<br />&#9;" .. table.concat (region_table, ',<br />&#9;') .. "<br />&#9;}<br />-- " ..
			file_date .. "<br />return {<br />&#9;" .. table.concat (variant_table, ',<br />&#9;') .. "<br />&#9;}<br />-- " ..
			file_date .. "<br />return {<br />&#9;" .. table.concat (pretty_suppressed, ',<br />&#9;') .. "<br />&#9;}<br />" .. "</pre>";

return p;